Saturday, July 23, 2011

Book: Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert

...have you ever found yourself reading the last page of a book and started crying because you can't believe is almost done!?.... ♥ this does not happen often enough...

My subtitle for this book review is:
-Find your "Kalos Kai Agathos"

Liz Gilbert writes this book in a form of a dialogue between her and the reader, at most I found myself imagining that she was sitting next to me telling me these stories, or that I was standing next to her during these travels. Eating crazy amounts of italian food while sighing because of the handsome Italian men, or finding peace with a total different me that was imposed by ME going to India to find "God", and helping others find balance; giving Tutti a home. Not forgetting alas, finding "true" love.

As "cheesy" as it may be, (because they already made a "romantic comedy of a movie" with it)I do, definetly, recommend this book... But you have got to keep an open mind. (I haven't watched the movie, and I refused to do so till I finished the book, which i guess i'll see it now since its the next step), but the emotions that this book brought to me are like no other. Then again, it also depends on what kind of books and "stories" you like, and also what emotional state you're in... (hint: is the best read for an "obsessive search for love and loose of focus" kind of gall.) This book is a good combination of comedy, dialogue, knowledge (you can learn a lot about anything) and self empowerement, it really makes you want to stop and smell the flowers, while actually also plant some of your own.

and I will read again in a few months... ;) you'll hear about it.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

DEXTER: Season 5 (Lumen)

Lumen (Julia Stiles) was the best way for Dexter (Michael C. Hall) to find the thrill to kill again and not be stressed about his new "family" life... To get over Rita (Julie Benz), accept again his dark passenger and separate the "different" parts of his life. Yes, she (Lumen)left, and yes we hated her at first for being there and then hated her for leaving... but she had to leave, her character made us hate her and love her and then be sad and happy about it; It made us believe in a "normal", caring Dexter with a dark twist, which is not what Dexter is all about... (it would've end up with the "Rita love business" all over again) ...But it couldn't work because he was her crutch but she does not have a dark passenger, and the writers can't get us used to Dexter the "loving man"... they need to get us back to basics, to this unusual feeling of enjoying the work of a "good" serial killer... like when he was dating Rita but wasn't so involve. Maybe she'll be back, and maybe in a twisted way, or maybe not... but not for now. Props to the writers, because they always know how to make us be surprised at the end of the seasons, even though for a bit there we almost lost it around season 4, but hey I guess we're back on!